Saturday, July 18, 2009

Reading Week 4 continued

Alright, so I already did my reading blog for this week and it was pretty long, so I basically refuse to write more than four sentences about the artists we were supposed to look up. Just kidding in a way, I don't refuse exactly, but I'm not going to make this entry very long. I looked at works by Durer, Van Eyck and Caravaggio. I thought that Durer and Van Eyck were very similar in the fact that they both used a lot of symbolism in their works. Of the two of them I really like Van Eyck because of his use of color. All of his paintings use a darker value, and yet they seem somewhat bright and defined to me. Caravaggio is the one we talked about using Chiaroscuro. The thing that caught my attention in his paintings is how much emotion is infused in them. Through the faces of his subjects what they are feeling is made obvious; even without a background story you can tell their basic emotions.

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