Saturday, July 18, 2009

Class Week 4

I am just going to say that class on Wednesday was pretty challenging for me. I felt like I had missed day or that I wasn't studying something we were supposed to be studying. It seemed like all of a sudden people knew everything. When we were asked what about different works made them from a certain time period and people knew the answers I knew I was in big trouble. I think I was starting to catch on by the end of class, but only because I really invested myself in trying to figure out what was going on. As usual I thought it was really interesting. Also, I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but the same tapestry that was on our quiz was on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I pretty much jumped out of my seat to tell my brother about it and how the unicorn symbolized purity and because it was surrounded by a fence it specifically symbolized Mary. I love being able to tell stuff like that.

It is really interesting for me to learn about the different Mediums artists used. I had never even heard about half of them before our class. It kind of gives me a new appreciation for the work of artists. I really value the ability to erase when I'm drawing because I almost never get something right the first time. To me fresco sounds particularly difficult in that regard, but I've also tried oil paints and those are no cake walk either. I mean, I haven't had any tutoring or education in those types of things, but I sort of like to dabble in the arts.

Another interesting thing for me to learn about in class was the different 'isms' they developed during Modernism. In my English class last year we talked about the different eras of writing, and around the same time period there were lots of different 'isms' in writing as well. I'm not sure which of the 'isms' is my favorite, but I do know that I kind of liked the Cubism and Surrealism pictures. That might just be because I have heard of Picasso and Salvador Dali.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen the Half Blood Prince yet, but I am going to look for that tapestry when I do!
